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NovelChick Scholarships


Just because some people can't afford to invest cash in their writing doesn't mean their stories are less worthy.

That's why NovelChick is offering scholarships: free 3-year subscriptions to the service, for people who can't afford it otherwise.

We offer 3 such spots every month.

If you'd like to sponsor a scholarship and increase the number of available spots, check out Sponsoring Scholarships.

Open spots for February 2021: 3

How to Apply

  1. Open a free account and explore the free options: create a story, a Hero, and one World Article of your choice. 
  2. Ready to go? Click the Support link in the user menu or in the footer and click the "Open New Ticket" button.
  3.  Select "Scholarships" as the ticket type.
  4. In the message box, tell us what fiction writing means to you and what your dreams are in this field.
  5. Hit the "Submit" button.

How We Choose

  1. At the end of each month, we'll go through all open applications and choose some (according to available spots) that seem like the best matches for NovelChick.
  2. All other applications will roll over to the next month. Please don't submit more than one application.
  3. The winning applicants will be informed and granted the free account upgrade at the beginning of the following month.
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