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Sponsoring a Scholarship

The Gift of Giving

Just because some people can't afford to invest in their writing doesn't mean their stories are less worthy. Help them find their voice.

Each NovelChick scholarship grants one person a free, 3-year subscription to the NovelChick service. We offer three of these every month. 

Now you can sponsor one, too.

We'll even match your sponsorship.

How it Works

  1. Contact us at with the word "Scholarship" in the subject.
    In your email, please include your name, logo, and link.
  2. We'll issue a payment request for 1.5 years of NovelChick ($43.5).
  3. We'll match your sponsorship for the other 1.5 years ourselves.
  4. The new spot will be added to the current month's capacity.
  5. Your name, logo, and link will be added to the Sponsor List on the Scholarships page (optional).

The Details

  • You cannot choose the recipient of your sponsored scholarship.
  • If you wish, your name and email can be passed on to the recipient of your scholarship. However, please note that they are not obligated to contact you. 
  • If there are not enough candidates to receive all scholarships in a given month, your sponsored spot will roll over to the next month and so on.
  • If you wish, your name, logo, and link will be added to the top of the sponsor list on the Scholarships page (but will eventually be pushed down as new sponsorships are received).
  • You may sponsor a scholarship more than once. Each sponsorship will bump your entry to the top of the list on the Scholarships page.
  • Your link must not lead to illegal or inappropriate content, including but not limited to adult sites and gambling.

Email us now. You'll love it. 

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